I made countless memories in Indonesia, making it a memorable country engraved in my heart and mind for a lifetime. These are the highlights of the memories I had together with significant people, peers, buddies, teachers, students, and more.

Welcoming Ceremony at UNS
We were welcomed by the FKIP-UNS through a welcoming ceremony, with a tour of the university and introduction to the city.

Deployment Day at SMP 1 Negeri Surakarta
The school I was deployed in is Sekolah Menengah Pertama 1 Negeri Surakarta, also known as SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta is a State Junior High School located in Jalan M.T. Haryono 4, Surakarta City, Indonesia. Due to its longstanding history in the area and its reputation for academic excellence, the institution is highly recognized.

Meals and Laughs
During the duration of our stay, we were invited to meals and introduced to Indonesian and Solo cuisines. Enak!

Exploring Traditional Markets
We were able to explore different traditional markets in Sudiroprajan and Pasar Klewer. I was able to buy souvenirs and snacks!

Keraton Surakarta Palace
Visiting the palace felt so special, as the tour guide reminded us that we are visitors of the royal family. It embodies the culture of Solo City.

Car Free Day and Sriwedari Park
Every Sunday, the main road of Solo City is closed for the Car Free Day. We also visited Sriwedan Park. It was an amazing experience.

Observations at SMP 1 Negeri Surakarta
Before teaching the students, we were able to observe our Supervising Teachers' class, giving us an idea of the education system in Indonesia.

Roman Catholic Spiritual Group in SMP 1
As part of the curriculum, there is diversity in students' religions and they are given time for group prayer and spiritual study.

Practicum (Week 1)
After observing, I was ready to embark on my practicum! This is my first week of teaching Grade 9 students from section A, B, C, and D.

Practicum (Week 2)
I was able to handle four sections in a span of two weeks. Teaching in SMP 1 Negeri taught me how diverse education is. It was also fulfilling.

Final Demo
My final demo was a success! My discussion was about procedure text and the activity we did was making a butterfly clay. The students enjoyed the activity! I was guided well by my teachers and buddies.

SMP 1 Negeri Surakarta Faculty Members
During the duration of our stay, the faculty members of SMP 1 welcomed us with open arms. I have learned a lot from these passionate teachers and the lesson I gained will be remembered forever.

Patehan Kraton Yogyakarta
This trip was my favorite, we rode a train to Yogyakarta. The hour-long travel was worth it, Patehan Kraton is beautiful and memorable.

Sonobudoyo Museum
The Sonobudoyo Museum is a modern museum, displaying the rich culture and traditions of Yogyakarta. It was an amazing tour!

JL. Malioboro
This area is known as a famous shopping district in Yogyakarta, with food and souvenirs from left to right.

Pura Mangkunegaran Surakarta
The Pura Mangkunegaran Palace is the official residence of the royal family in Solo City. It is a beautiful palace, with an amazing garden.

Bulan Bhasa: English Games
Bulan Bahasa is similar to the Philippines’ Buwan nf Wika, the national language month. There were two activities: vocabulary relay and guess the vocabulary word. The goal of these activities is to enhance and improve the English vocabulary of students through games.

Gifts from Students
During the month I spent in Indonesia, I was able to build lifelong bonds and connections with my students. I am beyond grateful to be blessed with this opportunity for growth and experience. These are some of my pictures with students and their precious gifts.

Traditional Indonesian Dance
Students participate in traditional Indonesian dances in the school yard. They are all required to wear traditional attire for these dances. We are also invited to join in this activity and performed a traditional dance in front of the whole school.

Bahasa Indonesia Language Class
We had the opportunity to learn Bahasa Indonesia from UNS students who are majoring in the language. We had a total of five classes with them, teaching us the basics of the Bahasa Indonesian language. Big thanks to them!

Outreach Program at Panti Asuhan Anak Seribu Pulau (Christian Orphanage)
The English Student Association of FKIP UNS invited us to participate in their outreach program, teaching children Basic English. Being able to interact and bond with them was a fulfilling experience.

Batik Making
Batik is a beautiful piece of craft and clothing that is delicately made with a traditional technique. I am honored to be able to experience making my own batik, with my peers and buddies from different universities around Southeast Asia. It was a good bonding experience.

Plaosan Temple
Plaosan Temple was breathtaking, displaying the merging of Buddhism and Hinduism through its architecture. It has an interesting history as well making it one of my favorite destinations in Indonesia.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Solo
It was my first time inside a mosque. It was too beautiful to be described in words alone. I was on a road trip with a close friend, Devira, when these photos were taken. We had a long day trip but this destination was my favorite.

Lokananta Museum, Solo
The museum is the oldest music studio in Indonesia, and is an interesting place for music enthusiasts. I had an incredible experience listening to the music and radio evolution of Indonesia.

Farewell Dinner
On our last night in Surakarta City, we had a farewell dinner followed by a visit to the night market. It was a memorable and simple night, but it was very emotional for us who grew attached to the slow life of Solo City.